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Our last Newsletter '22

We end the year on a high with our last newsletter of 2022, which covers the following topics:

  • Mobile internet in flight: the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Appetizer of our test that will attempt to address the question: “Is it possible to improve internet reception in flight with a 4G router with a remote antenna?”

  • SafeSky welcomes Bernard Geldof to the team and as new shareholder. With Bernard GELDOF on board, SafeSky is bolstering its shareholder base and operating structure as part of its global and operational expansion.

  • EASA paves the way for ADS-L to make flying even more safe than today. SafeSky had the honor to be one of the contributors to EASA’s first set of guidelines to support the implementation of U-space (drones) in the European Union.

  • In the spotlight: the Instructors. Meet Julien van der Rest. To educate students about air safety and the most recent technology advancements in this industry, instructors are crucial.

  • SafeSky or Flying Neurons? Vol Moteur magazine gives you the answer. In its November issue, the French magazine Vol Moteur has taken a look at anti-collision applications, in particular SafeSky and Flying Neurons.

Enjoy your reading!

Thanks to all our users, partners and supporters for contributing to a successful 2022!


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